Hysteroscopy is the exam of the inside of the cervix and uterus using a thin, lighted, flexible tube called a hysteroscope. Your healthcare provider inserts the device through the vagina.
Your provider may use hysteroscopy to:
Your provider may do hysteroscopy in his or her office or in an outpatient center. You may have local or no anesthesia. Procedures that are more complex may be done in the operating room under local, regional, or general anesthesia.
Most commonly hysteroscopy is performed in cases of infertility or repeated pregnancy losses where the uterine cavity needs to be evaluated or corrected so that Patient can conceive. It is also performed where Patient is having continuous or frequent bleeding Which might be due to polyps or fibroids in uterine cavity.
Generally, in safe hands it has no complications. Sometimes if the procedure continues for a longer time, then the patient might end up with electrolyte imbalance for which patient is checked and the imbalance is corrected.
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