A preexisting disorder that increases risk during pregnancy, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Problems related to the pregnancy such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes (diabetes that develops during pregnancy), chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, and stillbirth.
Care during pregnancy associated with Thyroid problems, High blood pressure, Diabetes, multiple pregnancy (Twin pregnancy, Triplet Pregnancy) and also when pregnant at an age more than 35 years. These ladies need extra care to ensure delivery of a healthy Baby along with good health of the mother.
Complete care of your pregnancy starting with pre-pregnancy consultation and guidance, total ante-natal (during pregnancy) care and finally delivery both Vaginal and Caesarean. And finally post pregnancy guidance and contraceptive advice including intra-uterine device (like copper-T, multiload) insertion and tubal sterilization both Laparoscopic and mini-lap.
Medical History Risk Factor |
Abnormal PAP test |
Chronic hypertension |
Heart disease NYHA Class II-IV (symptomatic) |
Insulin dependent diabetes (> A2) |
Moderate to severe renal disease |
Previous endocrine ablation |
Sickle cell disease |
Epilepsy |
Heart disease NYHA Class I (no symptoms) |
History of TB or PPD >= 10 mm |
Positive serology (for syphilis) |
Pulmonary disease |
Thyroid disease |
OB History Risk Factor |
Previous stillbirth |
Previous neonatal death |
Previous premature infant |
Post-term > 42 weeks |
Fetal blood transfusion for hemolytic disease |
Repeated miscarriages |
Previous infant > 10 pounds |
Six or more completed pregnancies |
History of eclampsia |
Previous cesarean section |
History of preeclampsia |
History of fetus with anomalies |